let’s do it, shall we?
“it can’t be done”
I believe all of us have uttered and were told these words. It is not a wonder that sometimes, we lose faith and courage to do things we’ve never done before. It’s another way of saying. “we’re afraid of taking risks”. But, have anyone told us that seizing new things isn’t risking at all? If we are to ask the aged, the things they regret the most are not those they have done, but those they haven’t.

Oftentimes. The pessimists are the outspoken. They don’t run out of reasons why a thing cannot be done, and they have this “gift of persuasion”, too. Once they speak, we are instantly trapped inside their reasons and can’t find any more reasons why we should not agree with them. This is perhaps the reason why the elderly advice their young ones not to attach to these kind of people.
But how can we distinguish a negativist and a positivist? There are times when the pessimist shows affirmative stance while the optimist show the contrary. It is normal, though. For a human being who has wisdom and understanding as well as doubts and fears, his viewpoints consistently vary. The only distinction is the prevalence of his negative or affirmative outlook. The often he think skeptically, the nearer he is to pessimism. The harder the things will then appear to him, and the more apprehensive he’ll become. If he could, for a moment, think positively, the positive thought will just remain a thought until there’s no more muscle left in him in carry out his thought. Nonetheless, he still obtains courage to risk. That is after he had seen one or two passing through the risk successfully. If he hasn’t seen any, he won’t dare try.

Here come the doubts, the fears, and the you-go-first-and-i-will-follow syndrome. This case scenario later on leads to melodramatic confessions of: “I am nobody”, “I am only human”, “I’m still young”, “I’m not good enough”, and “I can’t do it”; and who’s there to fuel up our courage? Nobody. Because the moment we are preoccupied with negative things, we do not take heed to encouragements anymore. The only thing we want to do is sob on our self-injected limitations. Forgetting that there is God to support us. We think our own hands made our own successes and so we are afraid to take another risk. We cling tour human instinct and we feel very weak.

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