Life we encounter
Have you ever experienced being stuck in a world of you own? How about a world that is far different from reality? Or a world where you own dreams, aspirations and future goals are just a breath away?
Sometimes, we encounter nerve-wracking problems that we instantly want to give up without even trying to fight. We are afraid to lose our battle never realizing that quitting is more than losing. Life is not just for fun and happiness. There are also a place for confusion, pain, agony, and depression. Life is not deal without these things. Through these, we learn to value hardships and even give credit to the smallest and unnoticeable things in life. Unfair and expected, that’s life. We should never blame anyone for having this kind of life. We are the masters and makers of our destiny and future.
Life isn’t easy after all. When we are down, we reminisce all the happiest and unforgettable memories way back in our childhood days. It seems to be a remedy to our embattled and tired soul. We want to bring back those times when we were still child – a child who was ready to listen and follow orders. We fancy bringing those times when we can still cry out load as if it’s the end of the world when everything goes upside down. We encounter lots of problems but haven’t we noticed that with those problems, each passing day, we grew stronger and firmer? We truly have gone so far in overcoming those obstacles in our lives. These obstacles are just trials given to us so we may keep our feet on the ground and keep us aware that life is not a bed of roses but a pragmatic aspect of reality.
Often times, w badly feel the urge of wanting some emotional affection from our beloved ones but we can’t really force them to bequeath us those affections when they are also in great struggle. Though complicated, we should learn to live forward.

Life is really a process where each of us Is a key contributor to our own success. We should be courageous enough to face the consequences of every risk we take. We endure problems not just to prove that we are strong but also to learn lessons behind. Other people thought that life is meaningless because they suffered too much and they’ve been unhappy for quite a long time. Some felt useless and worthless. But we should not be because life is created fir definite reasons thus, each of us is useful. We should try to think of so many things in this world. What’s the use of the plant, a flower or a tree? They have many uses, and yet we value not their natural way of doing things. Similarly, we should live our life like those things. We should not take into too much account the idea of being useful. It will surely come out naturally. There will be a time when we’ll appreciate doing well to others because it is where we can find true happiness and contentment. We should do things too seriously, that’s when problem arises and becomes more complicated.

H. Stanley Judd was right said. “Don’t be afraid to fail, don’t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. IF YOU’RE NOT FAILING, YOU’RE NOT GROWING !
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